
Best of Best 2019: Simon Frambach
@ Cortili Studio

ein&zwanzig 2019: Simon Frambach honoured Best of Best 2019

Apr 9, 2019

The winner of the “Best of Best” title was announced on the occasion of the opening of the ein&zwanzig 2019 exhibition: The delighted Simon Frambach won over the jury with his DFC Dynamic Folding Chair – a folding chair that accommodates movement while the occupant is seated.

The highest award goes to a functional folding chair

The DFC Dynamic Folding Chair was designed by Simon Frambach, a graduate of the Kunsthochschule Kassel, as part of his Master’s project. The chair uses a simple mechanism to support our natural inclination to move while sitting, responding directly to the user’s movements. When folded the chair is easy to carry, and can be used flexibly in different situations. The jury was impressed by the degree of precision in the chair's form, function and preparation. With this creation Frambach has imbued the whole genre of the folding chair, which is often produced as a "cheap" disposable product, with new value. 

The most important information at a glance

·       Winners’ Exhibition 9 - 14 April 2019, 10:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m., Tortona Design District, Via Tortona 31, 20144 Milan
·       Exhibition design by Studiopepe:
·       More about the 21 winners at:
·       Images are available in our Dropbox: